Friday, May 4, 2007

My Love

'My love' is a big contradiction for all those people who say it takes just one moment to fall in love. It took four long years of my life to fall in love. In those four long years, I never knew I was in love with her. It was a smooth and lovely transformation from hatred to love. Even after coming to one of the most awesome places on the Earth (Stanford), I miss her with all my heart. Life is never beautiful without beautiful experiences. My lover is the most beautiful thing in my life in that aspect which has left me with fondest memories of my life.

She is beautiful. 250 acres of campus with Boys hostel, two parallel roads, department buildings between and beside those roads which merge at the Ladies hostel to end with. Squirrels playing under the trees, students fearing to sit under the trees fearing the sweet birds over the top who are our morning wake up calls in the first year, friendly stray dogs who never bark signifying the laziness of the average student, some small cluster of students smoking at seenu's point, small groups playing cricket here and there, seniors 'interacting' with juniors near bakery and cafeteria, and of course 'saaru's wearing blue shirts who run the campus is the general picture you get when you visit National Institute of Technology Warangal (former Regional Engineering College REC), 7th best tech school in India during our time, and more importantly, my Love.

It all started with hatred for many wrong reasons. The very reasons which have bonded me so well. One of the main bonding forces is people. Some lovely people entered my life. Badri, Manoj (Kukka), Srikanth (Yenaka), Sandy, Ezra (KIKI), Aditya (Pathu), Pavan (Mama), Narendra Krishna (NK), Tharun (Moola) and Keerthi (kothi). Life with these people was (and is) just sweet. Remember these names. These people are going to be heroes, villains and comedians of this blog. You might wonder what has NITW to do with, when it is with these people. NITW was there with all of us. It is our common best friend, who was with us in all our hardships and made sure that we left it in pride in some way or other. In the end, it gave us great opportunities in our lives to excel. In return, we have done nothing. Not yet.

NITW's hidden culture is other important bonding force. NITW has rich and diversified culture which very few people know about. She has her own way. It has warmth in it's environment. Some of the important campus wide happenings are fresher's, farewell, politics, cold wars, Diwali, Holi, Saraswathi Pooja, Ganesh Chathurdhi, final year specials like fashion week and beggars day, job treats and return treats for everything. Most of them exist in many campuses and may be they have more, but as I said before, NITW has its own way of doing things.

In this blog, I am going to write about my love, how I fell in love with her. Love story revolves around NITW's culture, and history which lead to this culture through afore mentioned and unmentioned characters. I hope all current and past, NITW and RECW students will enjoy this blog, though you may find it boring as it revolves around my friends mostly.


It's me ! Redneved ... said...

Ahem !! .... mana college ki neeku inni sambandhalu unnaya ! ;) ... I thought it was someone else .. :D ..

Kabali said...

Fellow bloggers are like comrades and never should they quit cos the encouragement was not there :D Welcome to the blogging world and great nostalgic start buddy!

Murthy Kavali said...

priyank bagundi..kani nee lover evaru...ela untundhi..atleast maku kuda cheppava..ok ...

Unknown said...

awesome blog dude...
really felt something touched my heart

OneOfSome said...
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OneOfSome said...

sexy priyank. waiting for your next post :)